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Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): 63465, 25/10/2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526049


Introdução: A atuação profissional com bebês e crianças pequenas com deficiência auditiva exige conhecimento e técnica específica no que diz respeito à prescrição e adaptação do aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) e ao processo de desenvolvimento de linguagem. Limitações e imprecisões ao longo do processo diagnóstico poderão comprometer todos os procedimentos subsequentes do processo de intervenção. Objetivo: Analisar a validação do processo de diagnóstico audiológico e intervenção em bebês e crianças com deficiência auditiva a partir da análise comparativa de exames audiológicos, comportamento auditivo e aplicação do princípio de verificação cruzada após adaptação de AASI. Método: Foram sujeitos da pesquisa 12 crianças de até 36 meses de idade, com diagnóstico de perda auditiva neurossensorial bilateral, selecionados a partir da disponibilidade de acesso ao serviço para a avaliação e agrupados em G1 (sujeitos com Índice de Inteligibilidade de Fala - SII 65 dB até 35%) e G2 (sujeitos com Índice de Inteligibilidade de Fala - SII 65 dB acima de 54%). Resultados: A média de idade do diagnóstico audiológico foi de 4,33 meses. Os resultados audiológicos de todas as crianças tiveram correspondência entre si, com exceção de dois sujeitos do G2. Conclusão: O comportamento auditivo não só permitiu a validação dos processos de diagnóstico e intervenção auditiva dos sujeitos da pesquisa, como também permitiu a identificação de comportamentos não compatíveis com a audibilidade devido ao uso inconsistente dos AASI. A aplicação dos instrumentos de acompanhamento de desenvolvimento mostrou-se adequada para o monitoramento do desenvolvimento de habilidades de audição e linguagem em crianças pequenas. (AU)

Introduction: Professional work with infants and young children with hearing impairment requires specific knowledge and technique regarding the prescription and adaptation of the individual sound amplification device (PSAD) and the language development process. Limitations and inaccuracies throughout the diagnostic process may compromise all subsequent procedures of the intervention process. Purpose: To analyze the validation of the process of audiological diagnosis and intervention in infants and children with hearing impairment based on the comparative analysis of audiological tests, auditory behavior and application of the cross-checking principle after adaptation of hearing aids. Method: The research subjects were 12 children aged up to 36 months, with a diagnosis of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, selected from the availability of access to the service for the evaluation and grouped into G1 (subjects with Speech Intelligibility Index - SII 65 dB up to 35%) and G2 (subjects with Speech Intelligibility Index - SII 65 dB above 54%). Results: The average age of the audiological diagnosis was 4.33 months. The audiological results of all children corresponded to each other, except for two subjects from G2. Conclusion: The auditory behavior not only allowed the validation of the processes of diagnosis and auditory intervention of the research subjects, but also allowed the identification of behaviors that are not compatible with audibility due to the inconsistent use of hearing aids. The application of developmental monitoring instruments proved to be adequate for monitoring the development of hearing and language skills in young children. (AU)

Introducción: El trabajo profesional con lactantes y niños pequeños con discapacidad auditiva requiere conocimientos y técnica específicos respecto a la prescripción y adaptación del dispositivo individual de amplificación del sonido (PSAD) y el proceso de desarrollo del lenguaje. Las limitaciones e imprecisiones a lo largo del proceso de diagnóstico pueden comprometer todos los procedimientos posteriores del proceso de intervención. Propósito: Analizar la validación del proceso de diagnóstico e intervención audiológica en lactantes y niños con discapacidad auditiva a partir del análisis comparativo de pruebas audiológicas, conducta auditiva y aplicación del principio de cruce tras adaptación de audífonos. Método: Los sujetos de investigación fueron 12 niños de hasta 36 meses, con diagnóstico de hipoacusia neurosensorial bilateral, seleccionados de la disponibilidad de acceso al servicio para la evaluación y agrupados en G1 (sujetos con Índice de inteligibilidade del Habla - SII 65 dB hasta 35%) y G2 (sujetos com Índice de inteligibilidade del Habla - SII 65 dB por encima del 54%). Resultados:La edad promedio del diagnóstico audiológico fue de 4,33 meses. Los resultados audiológicos de todos los niños se correspondieron entre sí, a excepción de dos sujetos del G2. Conclusión: La conducta auditiva no sólo permitió validar los procesos de diagnóstico e intervención auditiva de los sujetos de investigación, sino que también permitió identificar conductas no compatibles con la audibilidad debido al uso inconsistente de audífonos. La aplicación de instrumentos de seguimiento del desarrollo demostró ser adecuada para controlar el desarrollo de las habilidades auditivas y lingüísticas en niños pequeños. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Auditory Perception/physiology , Auditory Perceptual Disorders/therapy , Medical Records , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss, Bilateral/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Tests
Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e56757, 01/06/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436220


Introdução: A deficiência auditiva em crianças prejudica a aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem oral, o que pode ser minimizado com o diagnóstico e a confirmação da surdez nos primeiros meses de vida. O Potencial Evocado auditivo de estado estável (PEAEE) destaca-se diante dos demais potenciais evocados auditivos devido à facilidade de registro, à objetividade das respostas, à estimulação de várias frequências simultaneamente, em ambas as orelhas, além da identificação da audição residual. Objetivo: Verificar a contribuição do PEAEE na definição terapêutica (escolha do implante coclear ou aparelho de amplificação sonora) para a reabilitação auditiva de crianças. Método: Foram analisados os registros de 20 crianças de um mês a três anos de idade com perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau severo ou profundo bilateral e que foram submetidas ao PEAEE e ao potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico frequência específica (PEATE-FE). Ambos realizados nas frequências de 500 Hz e 2000 Hz no equipamento Smart-EP Intelligent Hearing Systems®. Resultados: Houve diferença entre os exames quanto à ocorrência de resíduo auditivo, pois, um número significativo de indivíduos apresentou respostas ausentes no PEATE-FE e respostas presentes no PEAEE. Não ocorreu associação entre a presença de resíduo auditivo, o grau da perda e a idade da criança com o tipo de intervenção terapêutica. Conclusão: A presença de resíduo auditivo, a classificação do grau da perda e a idade da criança não influenciaram na conduta terapêutica final. (AU)

Introduction: Hearing impairment in children debilitates the acquisition and development of oral language, which can be minimized with diagnosis and confirmation of deafness in the first months of life. Auditory Steady State Evoked Potential (ASSEP) analysis stands out from others auditory evoked potentials due to the ease of recording, objectivity of the answers, stimulation of several frequencies simultaneously, in both ears, besides the identification of residual hearing. Purpose: Determine the contribution of the ASSEP for the therapeutic definition (election of cochlear implantation or hearing aid device) in hearing rehabilitation of children. Methods: The records of 20 children aged one month to three years with severe or profound bilateral neurosensory hearing loss, who were submitted to ASSEP and specific frequency brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) analysis were analyzed. Both tests performed at frequencies of 500 Hz and 2000 Hz using the equipment Smart-EP Intelligent Hearing Systems®. Results: There was difference between the exams regarding the occurrence of residual hearing, since a significant number of individuals had absent responses on the BAEP and present responses on the ASSEP. There was no association between the presence of residual hearing, degree of hearing loss and the child's age with the type of therapeutic intervention. Conclusion: The presence of residual hearing, classification of the degree of loss and child's age exerted no influence on the final conduct. (AU)

Introducción: La deficiencia auditiva en niños hace daño a la adquisición y el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, que se puede minimizar con el diagnóstico y confirmación de la sordera en los primeros meses de vida. El Potencial Evocado de Estado Estable (PEAEE) se destaca de los demás potenciales evocados auditivos por la facilidad de registro, objetividad de las respuestas, estimulación de varias frecuencias simultáneamente, en ambos oídos, además de la identificación de audición residual. Objetivo: Verificar la contribución del PEAEE para la definición de las terapéuticas adoptadas (elección de implantación coclear o audífono) en la rehabilitación auditiva de niños. Método: Fueron analizados los registros de 20 niños de un mes a tres años de edad con pérdida auditiva sensorineural de grado severo o profundo bilateral y que fueron sometidas al PEAEE y al potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por frecuencia específica (PEATE-FE). Ambos se realizaron en las frecuencias de 500 Hz y 2000 Hz en el equipo Smart-EP Intelligent Hearing Systems®. Resultados: Hubo diferencia entre los exámenes con respecto a la ocurrencia de residuo auditivo, dado que, un número significativo de sujetos presentaron respuestas ausentes en PEATE-FE y respuestas presentes en PEAEE. No hubo asociación entre la presencia de residuo auditivo, el grado de pérdida y la edad del niño con el tipo de intervención terapéutica. Conclusión: La presencia de residuo auditivo, clasificación del grado de pérdida y edad del niño no influyeron en la conducta final. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem , Hearing Loss/therapy , Correction of Hearing Impairment , Retrospective Studies , Cochlear Implantation , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss, Bilateral/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Language Development
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(3): 227-235, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522098


Introducción: La hipoacusia congénita es una patología frecuente entre los recién nacidos con gran impacto en su calidad de vida si no es diagnosticada y tratada precozmente. Para su pesquisa, se recomienda, internacionalmente, el tamizaje auditivo universal neonatal (TAUN), que desde 2014 se aplica en el Hospital Clínico La Florida Dra. Eloísa Díaz Insunza (HLF). Objetivo: Describir la experiencia del programa de TAUN del Servicio de Otorrinolaringología HLF. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. Se incluyó a todos los recién nacidos vivos (RNV) del establecimiento entre 2015 y 2021, evaluados de acuerdo con el protocolo del programa. Resultados: Fueron evaluados 17.804 RNV. Se obtuvo una cobertura de 97,1% y tasa de referencia de 0,98%. Se confirmaron a 21 pacientes con hipoacusia sensorioneural (HSN), obteniéndose una tasa de HSN de 1,5 cada 1.000 RNV. Conclusión: La tasa de incidencia de HSN congénita fue similar a la estimada a nivel mundial. El programa de TAUN HLF cumple con estándares internacionales en cuanto a cobertura, tiempo de evaluación del tamizaje y tasa de referencia. El trabajo multidisciplinario, mejoría de tecnología y registro adecuado de pacientes, son las principales fortalezas. La dificultad de seguimiento durante horario inhábil y presencia de sólo un profesional con dedicación exclusiva, son aspectos a perfeccionar.

Introduction: Congenital hearing loss is a frequent pathology among newborns with great impact on their quality of life if it is not diagnosed and treated early. The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing recommends universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) and has been applied at the Hospital Clínico La Florida Dra. Eloísa Díaz Insunza (HLF) since 2014. Aim: To describe the experience of UNHS program at the Otolaryngology Service of the HLF. Material and Method: Descriptive, retrospective study, including all newborns of the HLF between 2015 and 2021. They were evaluated according to the protocol proposed in the program. Results: 17804 newborns were evaluated. Coverage of 97,1% and a referral rate of 0,98% were obtained. Twenty-one patients with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) were confirmed, obtaining a SNHL rate of 1.5 per 1000 live births. Conclusion: The incidence rate of congenital SNHL is similar to that estimated worldwide. The UNHS program in HLF complies with international standards in terms of coverage, timing and referral rates. Multidisciplinary work, improved technology and adequate patient registration are the main strengths of the program. The difficulty of follow-ups during the weekends and the presence of only one full-time professional are aspects that can be improved.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Neonatal Screening/methods , Hearing Loss/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Incidence
Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2541, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374475


RESUMO Objetivo avaliar o efeito da variação da intensidade de estimulação sobre as respostas das emissões otoacústicas produto de distorção em indivíduos com perda auditiva neurossensorial, utilizando um protocolo de gradiente de fase das emissões. Métodos estudo observacional transversal. Participaram 38 indivíduos com diagnóstico de perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau leve, moderado ou severo. Foram realizadas anamnese, meatoscopia, audiometria tonal liminar, logoaudiometria, imitanciometria, emissões otoacústicas produto de distorção e emissões otoacústicas residuais. As emissões otoacústicas residuais foram coletadas com o equipamento Echodia, modelo Elios®. O protocolo utilizado permite a variação dos parâmetros frequência e intensidade e as respostas são analisadas por meio do teste do Gradiente de Fase. As respostas registradas nas emissões residuais foram consideradas como "presente", "ausente" e "artefato", considerando a variação da fase em função de f1. Resultados Foram incluídas 72 orelhas. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa nas frequências de 1300 Hz e 2000 Hz, ao comparar os resultados das emissões residuais. Ao correlacionar o resultado da audiometria e a intensidade de estimulação que evocou a emissão residual, houve correlação positiva para as frequências de 1000 Hz e 4000Hz. O "artefato" foi registrado, principalmente, nas frequências mais agudas: 56,2% em 3000 Hz e 58,2% em 4000 Hz. A emissão otoacústica residual presente foi registrada em 18,6% em 1000 Hz, 13,4% em 2000 Hz, 6,3% em 3000 Hz e 7,5% em 4000 Hz. Conclusão o aumento da intensidade de estimulação no exame de emissões pode auxiliar no estudo das células ciliadas residuais, desde que seja utilizado um protocolo capaz de diferenciar respostas fisiológicas de artefatos.

ABSTRACT Purpose To study the effect of stimulation intensity variation on the responses of distortion products in subjects with sensorineural hearing loss using a new protocol to register the otoacoustic emissions. Methods This is a cross-sectional observational study. The following procedures were performed: anamnesis, otoscopy, pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, tympanometry, distortion product and residual otoacoustic emissions. The residual DPOAE were collected with the Echodia equipment, Elios®. The protocol that was developed allows the variation of frequency and intensity parameters and the responses are analyzed by phase gradient test. Responses recorded in residual otoacoustic emissions were considered "present", "absent" or "artifact". Results The total included ears was 72. On residual otoacoustic emissions test, at a frequency of 1300Hz and 2000Hz, there was statistically significant difference. By analyzing the average found in the audiometry and the results of residual emissions, only the frequency of 1300Hz showed a statistically significant association in all groups. By correlating the results of the audiometry and the stimulation intensity used to evoke the residual emission, there was positive correlation for the frequencies of 1000Hz and 4000Hz. The "artifact" was mostly recorded in the higher frequencies: 56.2% in 3000Hz and 58.2% in 4000 Hz. Residual EOAPD present was recorded as 18.6% at 1000Hz, 13.4% at 2000Hz, 6.3% at 3000Hz and 7.5% at 4000Hz. Conclusion The increased stimulation intensity in the otoacoustic emissions test can aid in the study of residual outer hair cells, as long as a protocol is used to check the correctness of the responses.

Humans , Auditory Threshold , Otoacoustic Emissions, Spontaneous/physiology , Hair Cells, Auditory , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(2): 219-230, Apr.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134817


Abstract There are more than 150 different rare genetic kidney diseases. They can be classified according to diagnostic findings as (i) disorders of growth and structure, (ii) glomerular diseases, (iii) tubular, and (iv) metabolic diseases. In recent years, there has been a shift of paradigm in this field. Molecular testing has become more accessible, our understanding of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms of these diseases has evolved, and new therapeutic strategies have become more available. Therefore, the role of nephrologists has progressively shifted from a mere spectator to an active player, part of a multidisciplinary team in the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. This article provides an overview of the recent advances in rare hereditary kidney disorders by discussing the genetic aspects, clinical manifestations, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches of some of these disorders, named familial focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, tuberous sclerosis complex, Fabry nephropathy, and MYH-9 related disorder.

Resumo As doenças renais genéticas raras compreendem mais de 150 desordens. Elas podem ser classificadas segundo achados diagnósticos como (i) distúrbios do crescimento e estrutura, (ii) doenças glomerulares, (iii) tubulares e (iv) metabólicas. Nos últimos anos, houve uma mudança de paradigma nesse campo. Os testes moleculares tornaram-se mais acessíveis, nossa compreensão sobre os mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes a essas doenças evoluiu e novas estratégias terapêuticas foram propostas. Portanto, o papel do nefrologista mudou progressivamente de mero espectador a participante ativo, parte de uma equipe multidisciplinar, no diagnóstico e tratamento desses distúrbios. O presente artigo oferece um panorama geral dos recentes avanços a respeito dos distúrbios renais hereditários raros, discutindo aspectos genéticos, manifestações clínicas e abordagens diagnósticas e terapêuticas de alguns desses distúrbios, mais especificamente a glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal familiar, complexo da esclerose tuberosa, nefropatia de Fabry e doença relacionada ao MYH9.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Genetic Diseases, Inborn/genetics , Kidney/physiopathology , Kidney Diseases/congenital , Kidney Diseases/diagnosis , Thrombocytopenia/congenital , Thrombocytopenia/diagnosis , Thrombocytopenia/therapy , Tuberous Sclerosis/therapy , Genetic Testing/methods , Fabry Disease/diagnosis , Fabry Disease/genetics , Fabry Disease/therapy , Interdisciplinary Communication , Glomerular Filtration Rate/physiology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Genetic Diseases, Inborn/diagnosis , Kidney Tubules/pathology , Metabolic Diseases/pathology , Nephrology/standards
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 24(1): 5-10, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090555


Abstract Introduction The cochlea and the vestibular receptors are closely related in terms of anatomy and phylogeny. Patients with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss (MPSHL) should have their vestibular organ functions tested. Objective To evaluate the incidence of vestibular abnormalities in patients with MPSHL and to study the correlation between the etiology of hearing loss (HL) and a possible damage to the labyrinth. Methods A case-control retrospective study was performed. In the case group, 20 adults with MPSHL of known etiology were included. The control group was composed of 15 adults with normal hearing. The case group was divided into 4 subgroups based on the etiology (bacterial meningitis, virus, vascular disease, congenital). Cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) were used to rate the saccular function and lower vestibular nerve. Results The study was performed in 70 ears, and it highlighted the presence of early biphasic P1-N1 complex in 29 (71.5%) out of 40 ears in the study group, and in all of the 30 ears in the control group (p = 0.001). Regarding the presence or absence of cVEMPs among the four subgroups of patients with MPSHL, the data were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The comparison between the latencies and amplitude of P1-N1 in case and control groups from other studies and in the four subgroups of cases in the present study did not detect statistically significant differences. Conclusion The present study demonstrates that patients with MPSHL have a high incidence of damage to the labyrinthine organs, and it increases the current knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of sensorineural HL, which is often of unknown nature.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/physiopathology , Audiometry, Pure-Tone , Vascular Diseases/complications , Virus Diseases/complications , Case-Control Studies , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Meningitis, Bacterial/complications , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/congenital , Labyrinth Diseases/diagnosis , Labyrinth Diseases/physiopathology , Labyrinth Diseases/epidemiology
CoDAS ; 32(1): e20180139, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055897


RESUMO Objetivo Estabelecer relações entre o desempenho em tarefa de reconhecimento de palavras com e sem sentido e grau e configuração da perda auditiva, utilizando valores de Índices de Inteligibilidade de Fala (SII) como indicadores, em crianças com deficiência auditiva. Método Foram estabelecidos os SII para sons de entradas de 55 e 65 Decibéis Nível de Pressão Sonora (dBNPS) de dez crianças com perda auditiva neurossensorial usuárias de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual bilateralmente que têm a linguagem oral como principal modalidade de comunicação. As crianças foram submetidas à tarefa de repetição de palavras com e sem sentido em duas ou três diferentes intensidades. As emissões foram analisadas de acordo com o Protocolo Word Association for Syllable Perception (WASP). Na análise dos dados, o SII foi comparado com os resultados obtidos em cada critério de análise. Resultados Para o desempenho em palavras, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois tipos de estímulo em 55dBNPS. Para o desempenho em consoantes e ponto de articulação, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os tipos de estímulos em 65 e 55dBNPS e também entre as intensidades de 65 e 55 dBNPS nas palavras sem sentido. Conclusão De modo geral, não houve regularidade na relação entre capacidade auditiva e desempenho em tarefas de percepção da fala. Os resultados sugerem que o desempenho nas tarefas de reconhecimento de palavras sem sentido tem maior relação com o índice de inteligibilidade do que as palavras com sentido, possivelmente por limitar as estratégias de fechamento semântico pelo sujeito.

ABSTRACT Purpose To establish the relationship between the performance on word recognition tasks, using words with and without sense and degree, and the configuration of hearing loss, by using Speech Inteligibility Index (SII) values as indicators, in children with hearing loss. Methods SII were established for 55 and 65 Decibel of Sound Pressure Level (dB SPL) input sounds of ten children presenting bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), adapted with bilateral hearing aids, and who have oral language as the main mode of communication. The children were submitted to a word and nonsense-word repetition task of two or three intensity degrees. Their productions were analyzed according to the Word Association for Syllable Perception (WASP) Protocol. In the data analysis, the values of SII were compared with the results obtained in each analysis criterion. Results Pertaining to the words, there was statistically significant difference between the two types of stimuli in 55 dBSPL. As for the performance of consonants and point of articulation, there was a statistically significant difference between stimuli types in 65 and 55 dB SPL, and between intensities 65 and 55 dB SPL in nonsense words. Conclusion Overall, there was no regularity in the relationship between hearing ability and performance in speech perception tasks. The results suggest that performance in the nonsense words recognition tasks was more related to intelligibility index than to words with meaning, possibly because it limits semantic closure strategies by the subject.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Speech Intelligibility , Speech Perception , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Auditory Threshold , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Acoustic Stimulation/standards , Clinical Protocols , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/rehabilitation , Hearing Tests , Language Development
Audiol., Commun. res ; 25: e2282, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131802


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o ganho de percepção de fala na ausência e na presença de ruído competitivo; avaliar, após três meses de uso do implante coclear, se houve correlação entre a percepção de fala nas duas condições e correlacionar o tempo de privação auditiva e o lado implantado com a percepção de fala na ausência e na presença do ruído. Métodos Participaram deste ensaio clínico 12 indivíduos com perda auditiva de severa a profunda, submetidos à cirurgia de implante coclear. A percepção de fala foi avaliada através do teste Listas de Sentenças em Português, utilizando a direcionalidade Opti Omni, em situações de ausência e presença de ruído competitivo. Resultados A percepção de fala na ausência e na presença de ruído competitivo aumentou, em comparação com a percepção de fala pré-operatória com a utilização da direcionalidade Opti Omni e estes achados não tiveram associação com o tempo de privação auditiva ou o lado implantado. Conclusão Houve ganho na percepção de fala, tanto na ausência, como na presença do ruído competitivo, com forte correlação entre essas duas situações. Além disso, não houve associação entre tempo de privação auditiva sem o uso do aparelho de amplificação sonora individual ou o lado implantado com o desempenho na percepção de fala.

ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate speech perception improvement in the absence and presence of competing noise; to evaluate, after three months using a cochlear implant, whether there was a correlation between speech perception in these two conditions, and to correlate the time of hearing deprivation and the implanted side with speech perception in the absence and presence of noise. Methods Twelve individuals with severe-to-profound hearing loss who underwent cochlear implant surgery participated in this clinical trial. Speech perception was assessed using the Lists of Phrases in Portuguese test, using the Opti Omni directionality, in situations of absence and presence of competing noise. Results Speech perception with the use of Opti Omni directionality in the absence and presence of competing noise increased when compared with preoperative speech perception; these findings were not associated with hearing deprivation time or implanted side. Conclusion There was an improvement in speech perception both in the absence and presence of competing noise, with a strong correlation between these two situations. Besides, there was no association between time of hearing deprivation without the use of hearing aid, or the implanted side, with performance in speech perception.

Humans , Sensory Deprivation , Speech Intelligibility , Speech Perception , Cochlear Implantation , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Noise
CoDAS ; 32(5): e20190183, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133533


RESUMO A síndrome de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (SVKH) é rara, multissistêmica e autoimune. Atinge principalmente os olhos, provocando uma panuveíte crônica bilateral, porém traz afecções em outras áreas e tecidos que são ricos em melanócitos, como olhos, orelha interna, meninges e a pele. Sua origem ainda não é totalmente conhecida. Geralmente, a SVKH atinge indivíduos de origem hispânica, do Oriente Médio, indianos, nativos americanos e asiáticos. Descrição dos aspectos audiológicos acometidos pela síndrome e as possíveis intervenções fonoaudiológicas para um caso específico. Paciente de 53 anos, sexo feminino, compareceu à Clínica de Fonoaudiologia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (FOB) com queixas audiológicas e diagnóstico médico da SVKH. A paciente apresentou perda auditiva sensório-neural bilateralmente, emissões otoacústicas evocadas ausentes e queixas vestibulares de vertigem postural e desequilíbrio ao andar, bem como queixa de zumbido agudo contínuo. O caso apresentado mostrou perda auditiva sensório-neural, vertigem, zumbido e acometimento ocular bilateral. Apesar do tratamento com corticoesteroide, a perda auditiva se manteve. Desta forma, precedente à indicação do AASI, o fonoaudiólogo deve atentar-se para o acompanhamento audiológico do caso, realização ou não de tratamento medicamentoso e ocorrência de sintomas sugestivos da síndrome, favorecendo o encaminhamento para o médico e participando ativamente do processo terapêutico envolvendo a audição.

ABSTRACT The Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (VKHS) is a rare, multisystemic and autoimmune disease. The syndrome mainly affects the eyes, followed by bilateral chronic panuveitis, however, the syndrome may also affect the melanocytes tissues, for example, the eyes, inner ear, meninges and skin. The syndrome origin mechanism is not yet completely known. Commonly, the specific ethnic groups that are affected by the VKHS are as follows: Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Native Americans and ethnic groups from the Middle East. The audiological characteristics of the syndrome and the possible audiologist interventions for a specific case will be reported. The patient was attended at the Clinic of Speech Therapy, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (FOB). She is 53 years old and presented audiological complaints. She was diagnosed with VKHS by a specialist doctor. Throughout the audiologist assessment, she presented bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, absent otoacoustic evoked emissions, complaints about postural vertigo and acute tinnitus. The specific case reported presented sudden sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus and bilateral ocular disease. Even though drug treatment was performed, the hearing loss remained. Therefore, before the hearing aid (HA) fitting, the audiologist should perform the hearing management, investigate if the patient takes the drug treatment and the occurrence of suggestive symptoms of the syndrome. These are some points that help in the reference to the specialist doctor and the audiologist strongly participates in what concerns the hearing.

Humans , Female , Tinnitus , Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome/complications , Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome/diagnosis , Hearing Loss , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Vertigo , Middle Aged
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 90(4): 437-442, ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020652


INTRODUCCIÓN: Síndrome de Bartter (SB) es una tubulopatía hereditaria, poco frecuente que tiene dos formas de presentación, forma grave de inicio antenatal (Bartter neonatal) y forma de aparición más tardía (Bartter clásico). En su forma antenatal se manifiesta con poliuria fetal, polihidroamnios de inicio precoz y severo, parto prematuro secundario y restricción de crecimiento intrauterino. La etapa postnatal presenta episodios recurrentes de deshidratación y desbalance electrolítico que pue den comprometer la sobrevida del paciente. OBJETIVO: Comunicar un caso de SB neonatal y presentar una revisión de la literatura en esta patología. CASO CLÍNICO: Prematuro 35 semanas, con antecedente de severo polihidroamnios diagnosticado a las 27 semanas de gestación, sin causa aparente. Desde su nacimiento evolucionó con poliuria y alcalosis metabólica hipokalémica haciendo plantear, en primera semana de vida, diagnóstico de Síndrome de Bartter neonatal. El laboratorio confirmó per didas urinarias de electrólitos. Fue manejado con balance hídrico estricto y suplementación de sodio y potasio, logrando estabilizar peso y desbalance electrolítico. Se mantiene en control nefrológico, con suplementación de gluconato de potasio y cloruro de sodio. Se agregó ibuprofeno al cuarto mes como parte del tratamiento. Al séptimo mes de vida, ecografía renal demostró nefrocalcinosis. Al año de vida se evidenció hipoacusia sensorioneural profunda requiriendo implante coclear. CONCLUSIÓN: Presencia de polihidroamnios severo de aparición temprana sin causa identificada debe hacer sospechar SB, que aun siendo infrecuente determina graves alteraciones hidroelectrolíticas y debe ser iniciado su tratamiento precozmente.

INTRODUCTION: Bartter syndrome (BS) is a rare inherited tubulopathy that has two presentation forms, the first one is a severe form of antenatal onset (neonatal Bartter) and the second one is a later on set form during the first years of life (classic Bartter). In the antenatal form, it manifests with fetal polyuria, polyhydramnios of early and severe onset, premature delivery, and intrauterine growth restriction. In the postnatal stage, it presents recurrent episodes of dehydration and electrolyte im balance that can compromise the survival of the patient. OBJECTIVE: To report a clinical case of neo natal BS and a review of the literature. CLINICAL CASE: Premature newborn of 35 weeks of gestation with history of severe polyhydramnios diagnosed at 27 weeks of gestation, without apparent cause. From birth, the patient presented polyuria and hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis making a diagnosis of Neonatal Bartter Syndrome in the first week of life. Laboratory tests confirmed urinary electrolyte losses. The patient was treated with strict water balance and sodium and potassium supplementa tion, achieving weight and electrolyte imbalance stabilization. The patient remains in control in the nephrology unit, with potassium gluconate and sodium chloride supplementation. At the fourth month, ibuprofen was added as part of treatment. At the seventh month of life, renal ultrasound showed nephrocalcinosis. At one year of life, profound sensorineural hearing loss was observed re quiring a cochlear implant. CONCLUSION: The presence of severe polyhydramnios of early onset with no identified cause should lead to suspicion of neonatal BS which even when infrequent determines severe hydroelectrolytic alterations and should be treated early.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Adult , Bartter Syndrome/diagnosis , Polyhydramnios/diagnosis , Bartter Syndrome/physiopathology , Bartter Syndrome/therapy , Ibuprofen/administration & dosage , Polyhydramnios/etiology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/surgery , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Nephrocalcinosis/diagnosis , Nephrocalcinosis/etiology
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(1): 91-97, mar. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004388


RESUMEN La patología autoinmune de oído interno se caracteriza por presentar hipoacusia sensorioneural bilateral, asimétrica y progresiva, que responde a terapia médica, presentándose aislada o como parte de una enfermedad sistémica como la enfermedad de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada. Se presenta el caso de una paciente que consulta por cefalea, visión borrosa y sintomatología audiológica, con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada. Revisamos la literatura disponible respecto a la enfermedad y sus manifestaciones otológicas.

ABSTRACT Autoimmune inner ear disease presents a bilateral, asymmetric and progressive sensorineural hearing loss, that responds to medical therapy, presenting alone or associated to a systemic disease such as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. We present the case of a patient with headache, blur vision and audiologic symptoms, diagnosed with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. We review the literature about the disease and its otologic manifestations.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome/complications , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Audiometry , Uveitis , Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome/drug therapy , Headache , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 5(1): 51-60, Ene-Mar. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151901


La otitis media aguda es una infección del oído medio con alta prevalencia en población pediátrica, las complicaciones pueden generar desde hipoacusia neurosensorial de diverso grado hasta alteración vestibular y/o control postural, aunque de ello no existen mayores reportes ni investigaciones en Chile. Por lo anterior, el objetivo fue asociar la hipoacusia neurosensorial a alteraciones vestibulares y/o de control postural. Se evaluó a un sujeto de sexo femenino, 13 años de edad, quien presentó múltiples cuadros de Otitis Media Aguda y fue diagnosticada con hipoacusia neurosensorial bilateral grado moderado. Antes del estudio, reportó desequilibrio y aumento de riesgo de caída. Se aplicaron test auditivos (timpanometría y audiometría), vestibulares (evaluación del VIII par craneal) y de control postural (posturógrafo y tests "Time up and go", Romberg y Romberg en tándem). Se encontraron alteradas la prueba de integración sensorial, con predominancia del hemicuerpo derecho, igualmente predominancia a alteraciones auditivas en el oído derecho ante pruebas que valoraron oído medio. Se observó una relación directa entre las alteraciones posturales y de equilibrio con el tipo y grado de pérdida auditiva que presenta el sujeto de estudio.

The acute otitis media is a middle ear infection with high prevalence in pediatric population, the complications could generate from sensorineural hearing loss to vestibular alteration and/or postural control, although, there aren´t report or researches of it in Chile. Therefore, the objective was to associate sensorineural hearing loss with vestibular alterations and/or postural control. We evaluated a female subject presenting multiple events of acute otitis media and she was diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss middle grade. Before this study, she reported imbalance and falling risk. Hearing (tympanometry and audiometry), vestibular (evaluation of the VIII cranial nerve) and postural control tests were applied (posturography and "Time up and go", Romberg and Romberg in tandem test). It was found altered the integration sensorial test, with predominance to half body right and predominance of hearing impairment in the right ear to the middle ear evaluated evidence. It was observed a direct relation between postural alterations and balance with the hearing loss type from the subject of study.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Otitis Media/complications , Vestibule, Labyrinth/abnormalities , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Otitis Media/epidemiology , Vestibulocochlear Nerve , Clinical Record , Chile , Parental Consent , Postural Balance , Hearing Tests
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 37(1): 82-89, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-985124


RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a manifestação de sintomas do transtorno do processamento auditivo central em crianças com hipotireoidismo congênito. Métodos: Estudo de caráter exploratório, descritivo e transversal com 112 pacientes com hipotireoidismo congênito com idade ≥5 anos. Realizou-se entrevista com os pais/cuidadores no momento da espera da consulta médica. Portadores de outras afecções médicas foram excluídos. Como instrumento de pesquisa utilizou-se o protocolo estruturado de anamnese para avaliação do processamento auditivo rotineiramente empregado por audiologistas. A análise estatística utilizou o teste Qui-quadrado. Resultados: A distribuição por sexo foi semelhante (meninas: 53,3%). Os casos não-disgenesia constituíram a forma fenotípica mais prevalente para o hipotireoidismo congênito (88,4%), e verificou-se que 65,3% das crianças apresentavam algum episódio de níveis séricos irregulares de hormônio tireoestimulante. Dentre as manifestações mais frequentes dos sintomas do transtorno do processamento auditivo central, as queixas relaciondas às funções cognitivas auditivas, como: figura-fundo (83,0%), atenção auditiva (75,9%) e memória auditiva (33,0%) foram as mais evidentes. Reclamações relacionadas ao rendimento escolar foram reportadas em 62,3%. Conclusões: Os dados obtidos evidenciaram altas frequências de sintomas de defasagem nas funções cognitivas relacionadas ao processamento auditivo central, em especial na atenção auditiva, figura-fundo e memória auditiva nos portadores do hipotireoidismo congênito.

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the presence of central auditory processing disorder symptoms in children with congenital hypothyroidism. Methods: An exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study of 112 patients with congenital hypothyroidism aged ≥5 years old. An interview was held with the parents/caregivers at the time of the medical consultation. Patients with other medical conditions were excluded. As a research instrument, the structured protocol of anamnesis was used to evaluate the auditory processing routinely used by audiologists. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test was used. Results: Sex distribution was similar in both boys and girls (girls: 53.3%). The most prevalent phenotypic form of congenital hypothyroidism was no dysgenesis (88.4%), and 65.3% of the children had an episode of irregular serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Among the manifestations of the most frequent central auditory processing disorder symptoms, problems were reported with regard to cognitive functions, as they related to hearing, such as figure-background ability (83.0%), auditory attention (75.9%) and auditory memory (33.0%). Complaints related to school performance were reported in 62.3% of the cases. Conclusions: The data obtained show a high frequency of lag symptoms in cognitive functions related to central auditory processing, particularly with regard to auditory attention, figure-background ability and auditory memory in patients with congenital hypothyroidism.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Thyrotropin/blood , Cognition , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Congenital Hypothyroidism/diagnosis , Congenital Hypothyroidism/physiopathology , Congenital Hypothyroidism/blood , Congenital Hypothyroidism/epidemiology , Goiter, Nodular/diagnosis , Goiter, Nodular/etiology , Goiter, Nodular/psychology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/psychology , Hearing Tests/methods , Hearing Tests/statistics & numerical data
CoDAS ; 31(1): e20170119, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984243


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever as queixas e alterações auditivas em indivíduos com esclerose sistêmica (ES), bem como verificar a evolução do quadro audiológico. Método Trata-se de estudo seccional, com uma fase prospectiva, realizado no período de 2012 e 2015, com pacientes com diagnóstico médico de ES. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, ano de início da doença, ano de diagnóstico e subtipo da enfermidade. Posteriormente, foram realizadas a anamnese audiológica, para identificação de queixas e sintomas e para a investigação de realização de audiometria pregressa ao estudo, e, em seguida, a avaliação audiológica básica. Resultados Participaram do estudo 50 indivíduos. Tontura e zumbido foram os sintomas mais frequentes. A perda auditiva foi identificada em 23 (46%) indivíduos, sendo a maioria do tipo sensorioneural, de grau e configurações variáveis. A análise dos limares auditivos obtidos na avaliação audiológica realizada em 2012 e, posteriormente, em 2015 indicou desencadeamento ou progressão da perda auditiva, com piora de 10dB na maioria das frequências avaliadas, sendo mais expressiva nas frequências agudas. Conclusão Elevada frequência de queixas e alterações auditivas em indivíduos com ES e desencadeamento e/ou progressão da perda auditiva naqueles que realizaram avaliação audiológica sequencial.

ABSTRACT Purpose Describe hearing complaints and alterations in individuals with systemic sclerosis (SS) and to verify the development of audiological manifestations. Methods This is a cross-sectional study with a prospective phase, conducted in the period from 2012 to 2015, with patients with medical diagnosis of SS. Sociodemographic data, year of disease onset, year of diagnosis and disease subtype were collected. Later, audiological anamnesis was performed to identify complaints and symptoms and to investigate the performance of audiometry before the study and, after that, a basic audiological evaluation was conducted. Results Fifty individuals participated in the study. Dizziness and tinnitus were the most frequent symptoms. Hearing loss was identified in 23 (46%) individuals; most of them were of sensorineural type, of variable degrees and configurations. The analysis of hearing thresholds obtained in the audiological evaluation performed in 2012 and, later, in 2015, indicated onset or progression of hearing loss, with aggravation of 10dB in most frequencies evaluated, being more expressive in acute frequencies. Conclusion High rate of hearing complaints and alterations in individuals with SS and onset and/or progression of hearing loss in those who underwent serial audiological evaluation were observed.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Scleroderma, Systemic/complications , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Scleroderma, Systemic/diagnosis , Auditory Threshold , Tinnitus/diagnosis , Tinnitus/etiology , Vertigo/diagnosis , Vertigo/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Symptom Assessment , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Tests , Middle Aged
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(9): 1074-1078, set. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978800


We report a 51-year-old female who had a first episode of thrombocytopenia at 23 years of age during a pregnancy. At the age of fifty, a hysterectomy was indicated due to a metrorrhagia: a platelet count of 21,000/ul was detected. She was treated with eltrombopag with a good response. The family history of the patient revealed the presence of thrombocytopenia in several family members. Suspecting a hereditary thrombocytopenia, a genetic study revealed a mutation in the MYH-9 gene. This mutation can be suspected when there is a family history of thrombocytopenia with autosomal dominant inheritance, macrothrombocytopenia and in this particular case, due to the response to thrombopoietin receptor agonist, eltrombopag.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Thrombocytopenia/congenital , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/genetics , Platelet Count , Pyrazoles , Thrombocytopenia/diagnosis , Thrombocytopenia/genetics , Benzoates , Biopsy , Genetic Diseases, Inborn , Hydrazines , Mutation
J. bras. nefrol ; 40(2): 198-200, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954532


ABSTRACT MYH9-related disease is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations of the MYH9 gene, which encodes the non-muscle myosin heavy chain IIA on chromosome 22q12. It is characterized by congenital macrothrombocytopenia, bleeding tendency, hearing loss, and cataracts. Nephropathy occurs in approximately 30% of MYH9-related disease in a male patient carrier of a de novo missense mutation in exon 1 of the MYH9 gene [c.287C > T; p.Ser(TCG)96(TTG)Leu]. He presented all phenotypic manifestations of the disease, but cataracts. Renal alterations were microhematuria, nephrotic-range proteinuria (up to 7.5 g/24h), and rapid loss of renal function. The decline per year of the glomerular filtration rate was 20 mL/min/1.73m2 for five years. Blockade of the renin-angiotensin system, the only recommended therapy for slowing the progression of this nephropathy, was prescribed. Although MYH9-related disease is a rare cause of glomerulopathy and end-stage renal disease, awareness of rare genetic kidney disorders is essential to ensure accurate diagnosis and proper management of orphan disease patients.

RESUMO A doença relacionada ao MYH9 é um distúrbio autossômico dominante causado por mutações no gene MYH9 que codifica a cadeia pesada da miosina não muscular IIA no cromossomo 22q12. Ela é caracterizada por macrotrombocitopenia congênita, tendência a sangramento, perda auditiva e catarata. A nefropatia ocorre em aproximadamente 30% dos pacientes. O presente artigo relata o caso de um paciente com doença relacionada ao MYH9 portador de mutação missense de novo no exon 1 do gene MYH9 [c.287C > T; p.Ser(TCG)96(TTG)Leu]. Com a exceção de catarata, o paciente apresentou todas as manifestações fenotípicas da doença. As alterações renais incluíram micro-hematúria, proteinúria nefrótica (até 7,5 g/24h) e perda rápida da função renal. O declínio anual da taxa de filtração glomerular foi de 20 mL/min/1,73 m2 durante cinco anos. Foi receitado bloqueio do sistema renina-angiotensina, a única terapia recomendada para retardar a progressão dessa nefropatia. Embora a doença relacionada ao MYH9 seja uma causa rara de glomerulopatia e doença renal terminal, a conscientização sobre distúrbios genéticos renais raros é essencial para garantir o diagnóstico preciso e o manejo adequado dos pacientes com tal doença órfã.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Thrombocytopenia/congenital , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/complications , Nephrotic Syndrome/etiology , Thrombocytopenia/complications , Thrombocytopenia/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Nephrotic Syndrome/diagnosis
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1000311


INTRODUCCIÓN: El peso al nacer menor a 1.500 gramos es considerado un factor de riesgo auditivo. Analizamos una muestra de 137 niños nacidos con muy bajo peso, atendidos en un hospital pediátrico de alta complejidad. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la frecuencia de hipoacusia neurosensorial; analizar las diferencias entre los subgrupos: screening auditivo neonatal y pacientes de consultorio externo; valorar si existen diferencias entre los subgrupos de peso menor a 1.000 gramos y mayor a 1.000 gramos; investigar el grado de hipoacusia y determinar si la misma es unilateral o bilateral; estimar el porcentaje de niños de screening auditivo que regresaron para seguimiento; describir los factores de riesgo auditivo que presenta la muestra.

INTRODUCTION: Birth weight less than 1,500 grams is considered an auditory risk factor. We analyzed a sample of 137 children born with very low weight and treated in a high complexity pediatric hospital. OBJECTIVE: Determine frequency of sensorineural hearing loss; to analyze differences between the subgroups: neonatal auditory screening and patients from the outpatient clinic; assess if there are differences between subgroups of less and than 1,000 grams; investigate the degree of hearing loss and determine whether it is unilateral or bilateral; estimate the percentage of hearing screening children who returned for follow-up; describe the auditory risk factors presented by the sample.

INTRODUÇÃO: O peso do bebe ao nascer menor do que 1500 gramas é considerado um fator de risco auditivo. Neste trabalho, foi analisada uma amostra de 137 crianças nascidas com muito baixo peso, atendidos em um hospital pediátrico de alta complexidade. Os objetivos do trabalho foram: determinar a frequência de perda auditiva neurossensorial; analisar diferenças entre os subgrupos: screening auditivo neonatal e pacientes de consultório externo; avaliar se existem diferenças entre os subgrupos de peso menor do que 1000 gramas; investigar o grau de perda auditiva e determinar se a mesma foi unilateral ou bilateral; estimar a percentagem de crianças de screening auditivo que regressaram para acompanhamento; descrever os fatores de risco auditivo que apresentou a amostra. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram excluídos pacientes oncológicos, com traumatismo cranioencefálico, transplantados ou com cirurgias do ouvido prévias ao diagnóstico da perda auditiva.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Observational Study , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/classification
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 83(5): 580-584, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889296


Abstract Introduction: The association between hearing loss and chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis has been well documented. However, the classification used for the degree of loss may underestimate the actual diagnosis due to specific characteristics related to the most affected auditory frequencies. Furthermore, correlations of hearing loss and hemodialysis time with hearing handicap remain unknown in this population. Objective: To compare the results of Lloyd's and Kaplan's and The Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie classifications in chronic kidney disease patients, and to correlate the averages calculated by their formulas with hemodialysis time and the hearing handicap. Methods: This is an analytical, observational and cross-sectional study with 80 patients on hemodialysis. Tympanometry, speech audiometry, pure tone audiometry and interview of patients with hearing loss through Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults. Cases were classified according to the degree of loss. The correlations of tone averages with hemodialysis time and the total scores of Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults and its domains were verified. Results: 86 ears (53.75%) had hearing loss in at least one of the tonal averages in 48 patients who responded to Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults. The Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie classification identified a greater number of cases (n = 52) with some degree of disability compared to Lloyd and Kaplan (n = 16). In the group with hemodialysis time of at least 2 years, there was weak but statistically significant correlation of The Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie classification average with hemodialysis time (r = 0.363). There were moderate correlations of average The Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie classification (r = 0.510) and tritone 2 (r = 0.470) with the total scores of Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults and with its social domain. Conclusion: The Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie classification seems to be more appropriate than Lloyd's and Kaplan's for use in this population; its average showed correlations with hearing loss in patients with hemodialysis time ≥ 2 years and it exhibited moderate levels of correlation with the total score of Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults and its social domain (r = 0.557 and r = 0.512).

Resumo Introdução: A associação entre perda auditiva e doença renal crônica e hemodiálise tem sido bem documentada. Porém, a classificação usada para o grau da perda pode subestimar o real diagnóstico devido a características específicas em relação às frequências auditivas mais acometidas. Além disso, correlações da perda auditiva e do tempo de hemodiálise com o handicap auditivo permanecem desconhecidas nessa população. Objetivo: Comparar os resultados das classificações de Lloyd e Kaplan e do Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie em pacientes com doença renal crônica e correlacionar as médias calculadas por suas fórmulas com o tempo de hemodiálise e com o handicap auditivo. Método: Estudo analítico, observacional e transversal com 80 pacientes em hemodiálise. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a timpanometria, logoaudiometria, audiometria tonal limiar e os pacientes com perda auditiva foram entrevistados através do Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults. A classificação dos casos foi feita de acordo com o grau da perda. Foram verificadas as correlações das médias tonais com o tempo de hemodiálise e com as pontuações totais do Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults e seus domínios. Resultados: Em 48 pacientes que responderam ao Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults, 86 orelhas (53,75%) apresentaram perda auditiva em pelo menos uma das médias tonais. A classificação do Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie identificou maior número de casos (n = 52) que apresentavam algum grau de deficiência do que a classificação de Lloyd e Kaplan (n = 16). No grupo com tempo de hemodiálise a partir de dois anos, houve correlação fraca, mas estatisticamente significante, da média da classificação do Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie com o tempo de hemodiálise (r = 0,363). Houve correlações moderadas das médias da classificação do Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie (r = 0,510) e tritonal 2 (r = 0,470) com pontuações totais do Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults e com seu domínio social. Conclusão: A classificação do Bureau Internacional d'Audiophonologie mostra-se mais adequada do que a de Lloyd e Kaplan nessa população, sua média apresentou correlações com perdas auditivas em pacientes com tempo de hemodiálise ≥ 2 anos e manteve níveis moderados de correlação com a pontuação total do Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults e seu domínio social (r = 0,557 e r = 0,512).

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/complications , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Audiometry, Pure-Tone , Acoustic Impedance Tests , Severity of Illness Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Deafness , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 54(3): 0-0, jul.-set. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901050


Introducción: la hipoacusia es la disminución de la agudeza auditiva o de la capacidad para captar el sonido; esta puede ser neurosensorial, conductiva o mixta. La hipoacusia neurosensorial resulta de alteraciones en el oído interno, nervio auditivo o en los núcleos auditivos del tronco cerebral. El manejo de estos pacientes requiere disposición, conocimientos y calidez para el correcto desarrollo de la atención estomatológica. Objetivo: reportar el manejo odontológico de un paciente con hipoacusia neurosensorial profunda bilateral. Presentación del caso: paciente femenino de 7 años y 10 meses de edad con diagnóstico de hipoacusia neurosensorial profunda bilateral, quien acude a consulta por presentar dolor. A la inspección física, paciente mesofacial, perfil convexo. Intraoralmente se observan tejidos blandos clínicamente sanos, alteraciones de número y posición, caries moderada e higiene deficiente. Durante la inspección clínica la paciente se mostró poco cooperadora (Frankl II). El plan de tratamiento consistió en prevención, operatoria, ortopedia y cirugía. Para el manejo del paciente se incluyó un lenguaje de señas básico con uso de careta y sin cubreboca, modelado con otros pacientes. Se modificó la técnica decir, mostrar y hacer por mostrar/oler, tocar y hacer. Conclusiones: el odontopediatra debe tener las competencias necesarias para la atención integral de pacientes con capacidades diferentes. El manejo de la conducta y el cuidado multidisciplinario del paciente en edades tempranas es fundamental para el éxito del tratamiento. En el caso clínico que se presenta se resalta la efectividad del manejo conductual modificado, lo cual incrementó la posibilidad de éxito de la rehabilitación dental del paciente, así como de su seguimiento(AU)

Introduction: hearing loss is reduced auditory acuity or a decrease in the ability to perceive sound. It may be sensorineural, conductive or mixed. Sensorineural hearing loss results from alterations in the inner ear, the auditory nerve or the auditory brainstem nuclei. Dental management of these patients requires willingness, knowledge and warmth on the part of the dental practitioner. Objective: report the dental management of a patient with bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss. Case presentation: a female patient aged 7 years and 10 months diagnosed with bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss attends consultation for dental pain. At physical inspection, it is observed that the patient is mesofacial with a convex profile. Intraoral examination found clinically healthy soft tissue, tooth alterations in number and position, moderate decay and poor hygiene. During clinical inspection, the patient was uncooperative (Frankl II). Treatment consisted in prevention, restoration, orthopedics and surgery. Management of the patient included use of basic sign language and a mask without the practitioner wearing a facemask, and modeling with other patients. The technique of say, show and do was replaced by show / smell, touch and do. Conclusions: pediatric dentists should have the skills required for the comprehensive care of patients with different capabilities. Behavior management and multidisciplinary care of very young patients is essential for a successful treatment. The clinical case herein presented highlights the effectiveness of modified behavior management, which increased the chances of success in the patient's dental rehabilitation and follow-up(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Dental Care for Disabled/methods , Dental Plaque/therapy , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Comprehensive Health Care/methods , Oral Hygiene/standards